Sunday, August 19, 2012

Gym vs. Home Workout

This past week I had the opportunity to try a 7 day trial membership to a very prestigious athletic club in the Lansing area. I have to admit I was very impressed with the establishment and all that it offers it members. I took advantage of the trial membership and tried many of the options that they have to offer. But, it only took me a couple of days to realize that the membership to a gym is not for me. A 40 minute workout quickly turned into a hour an a half commitment. How could I resist taking advantage of the hot tub and sauna's before taking a shower? I would get done with work at 5:00 but not get home until after 7:00 or 7:30 PM after working out. That is craziness! I have been using Beachbody home workout programs for the past two years. It is so easy to pop in a 40 minute workout DVD, complete the workout, jump in the shower and be done in less than an hour. When you are working 40 hours a week, it is hard enough to find an hour each day to fit a good workout in. So finding time to workout at a gym and take advantage of the amenities that they offer to justify the monthly price of membership is out of the question for me. I have paid $15 - $120 for the varies Beachbody programs that I have purchased. But, it is a one time purchase price and I own them. I can use and reuse the programs over and over for the rest of my life. Most of the DVD workout programs are a 30, 60 or 90 day programs. Once I complete one I try another. What I like about them is not every day is the same workout. Most of the programs come with several DVD's because there are so many workouts. I use my free WOWY membership to log the programs. Each day before I get ready to workout I go into WOWY and find out what workout I am scheduled to do today. And all from the convenience of my own home. I know some people say they can't do home workout programs because they are not motivated enough to keep doing it every day. My suggestion for that is to find a workout buddy. That buddy doesn't have to be committed to the same program as you, they just need to commit to working out like you. Then keep each other accountable. My workout buddy lives half way around the world. We continue to keep each other accountable simply by asking each other each day about our workouts. If you need a workout buddy I would be glad to help you. Find me on Facebook or leave a comment here.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I have a question about your blog, could you please email me? Thanks!!

